Этот список не претендует на полноту.
Есть и другие серверы.
Нижеперечисленные серверы наиболее легко доступны для подключения из России:
:irc.anarxi.st 020 irc.anarxi.st :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.anarxi.st, running version 1.5.25/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created Mon 04 May BST at 2020 12:28:07 PM irc.anarxi.st 1.5.25/uk_UA.KOI8-U aboOirswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CODEPAGES MODES=3 CHANTYPES=#&!+ MAXCHANNELS=20 NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrstz :are supported by this server :There are 289 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 42630 :unknown connections 373 :channels formed :I have 60 users, 0 services and 3 servers :Current local users: 60 Max: 75 :Current global users: 289 Max: 331 :- irc.anarxi.st Message of the Day - :- 25/6/2014 15:03 :- :- IRC Network irc.anarxi.st :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Welcome to irc.anarxi.st, located in Netherlands :- :- [RULES] :- Spam: Unsolicited advertisements will not be tolerated. :- Content: We will not tolerate the distribution of illegal materials, :- including software piracy or child pornography. :- :- We reserve the right to remove your access to this server at any time. :- Any violation of the rules stated above will result in you being :- banished from the island. :- :- No monitoring of private communications will ever occur on this :- server. The administration of this server believes strongly in your :- inalienable human right to privacy. :- :- [ADMINISTRATION] :- IRC admin <ircadm@anarxi.st> :- :- We are not looking for IRC operators. Please do not ask. :- :- [SPONSORS] :- anarxi.st team :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Codepages per ports are: | Русские кодовые таблицы по портам: :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- 6660: UTF-8 7770: UTF-8 9996: UTF-8 (SSL) :- 6666: UTF-8 7771: CP1251 9997: KOI8-R (SSL) :- 6667: KOI8-U 7772: CP866 9998: Translit (SSL) :- 6668: Translit 7773: ISO-8859-5 9999: CP1251 (SSL) :- 6669: CP1251 7774: MacCyrillic :- 7775: Translit :- 3128 extra port (CP1251) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- To change codepage on-the-fly: | Сменить таблицу "на лету" можно: :- /quote codepage codepage-name :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- Network Services running: | В сети работают сервисы: :- NickServ, MemoServ, ChanServ :- Start using them with: | Начните работу с ними с: :- /msg NickServ@*.RusNet help :- (/msg MemoServ@*.RusNet help или /msg ChanServ@*.RusNet help) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- Net's official channels: | Официальные каналы сети: :- ----------------------- ---------------------------------- :- #help - questions and problems | #help - вопросы и проблемы, :- #abuse - abuse and violations | #abuse - жалобы на нарушения :- #announces - chan announcements | #announces - анонсы каналов :- :- Ads are allowed only on | Реклама каналов допустима только :- #announces, otherwise it will | на канале #announces, в остальных :- be dealt with as with spam | случаях она приравнивается к спаму. :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- This server supports SSL connections :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Current Administrative contact: IRC admin <ircadm@anarxi.st> :- irc.anarxi.st WEB server: http://irc.anarxi.st :- RusNet WEB server: http://www.rus.net :- ======================================================================= :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i utf-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
:irc.meganet.ru 020 irc.meganet.ru :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.meganet.ru, running version 2.0.5/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created Пт июл 14 2017 at 20:50:48 MSK irc.meganet.ru 2.0.5/uk_UA.KOI8-U abcoOiIrswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrRstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ CODEPAGES FNC CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrRstz EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I MODES=3 MAXCHANNELS=20 CASEMAPPING=ascii NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet :are supported by this server :There are 289 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 9309 :unknown connections 372 :channels formed :I have 27 users, 0 services and 3 servers :Current local users: 27 Max: 38 :Current global users: 289 Max: 331 :- irc.meganet.ru Message of the Day - :- 19/6/2024 22:32 :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Welcome to irc.meganet.ru, located in Moscow, Russia :- :- _______ _______ ______ _______ __ _ _______ _______ :- | | | |______ | ____ |_____| | \ | |______ | :- | | | |______ |_____| | | | \_| |______ | :- :- RUSNet IRC Network :- :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Codepages per ports are: | Kodirovki po portam: :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- 6660: UTF-8 7770: UTF-8 7774: Macintosh :- 6667: KOI8-R 7771: CP1251 7775: ASCII :- 6668: ASCII 7772: CP866 :- 6669: CP1251 7773: ISO-8859-5 :- ----------------------------------------------------------------- :- 9996: UTF-8 (SSL) :- 9997: KOI8-R (SSL) 9998: Translit (SSL) 9999: CP1251(SSL) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- To change codepage on-the-fly: | Smenit' kodirovku na-letu: :- /quote codepage codepage-name :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- Network Services running: | V seti rabotajut servisy: :- NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ :- Start using them with: | Dlya nachala naberite comandu: :- /msg NickServ@*.RusNet help :- (/msg MemoServ@*.RusNet help or /msg ChanServ@*.RusNet help) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- If you need help | Esli nuzhna pomosch: :- /join #help :- /join #abuse :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- This server supports SSL on ports 9997(koi8), 9998(translit), 9999(win) :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Current Administrative contact: IRC admin darkman at letit.group :- RusNet WEB server: http://www.rus.net :- ======================================================================= :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i UTF-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
Внимание! Домен продан, подключение возможно только по IP-адресу
:irc.run.net 020 irc.run.net :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.run.net, running version 1.5.24/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created Thu Apr 23 2015 at 23:03:17 UTC irc.run.net 1.5.24/uk_UA.KOI8-U aboOirswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CODEPAGES MODES=3 CHANTYPES=#&!+ MAXCHANNELS=20 NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrstz :are supported by this server :There are 289 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 51382 :unknown connections 372 :channels formed :I have 66 users, 0 services and 3 servers :Current local users: 66 Max: 100 :Current global users: 289 Max: 331 :- irc.run.net Message of the Day - :- 26/7/2011 22:42 :- :- SPB IRC Network irc.run.net :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Welcome to irc.run.net, located in St-Peterburg, Russia :- :- ___ __ __ __ _ _ _____ :- / _ \/\ \ \/\ \ \/\ \ \/ _ \/__ \ :- / /_/ / / / / \/ / \/ / _ \/ / /\/ :- / /_ / /_/ / /\ / /\ / /_\/ / / :- /_/ \_\____/\_\ \/\_\ \/\___\ \/ :- RUSNet IRC Network :- :- :- [RULES] :- Bots: We do not allow bots, but will not remove them unless they :- bother us. :- :- Spam: Unsolicited advertisements will not be tolerated. :- Content: We will not tolerate the distribution of illegal materials, :- including software piracy or child pornography. :- :- We reserve the right to remove your access to this server at any time. :- Any violation of the rules stated above will result in you being :- banished from the island. :- :- No monitoring of private communications will ever occur on this :- server. The administration of this server believes strongly in your :- inalienable human right to privacy. :- :- [ADMINISTRATION] :- Silencio <silence (at) irc.run.net> :- :- We are not looking for IRC operators. Please do not ask. :- :- [WHO HELPS US] :- *** RUNNet *** :- Russian University Network http://www.runnet.ru :- :- *** DevExperts inc. *** :- This project is sponsored by DevExperts inc. http://www.devexperts.com :- :- *** Deware LLC *** :- NetGuard Solutions inc. :- (Real Time Intrusion Prevention and Dynamic Filtering) :- :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Codepages per ports are: | Kodirovki po portam: :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- 6660: UTF-8 7770: KOI8-R 7774: Macintosh :- 6667: KOI8-U 7771: CP1251 7775: ASCII :- 6668: ASCII 7772: CP866 :- 6669: CP1251 7773: ISO-8859-5 :- ----------------------------------------------------------------- :- 9997: KOI8-R (SSL) 9998: Translit (SSL) 9999: CP1251(SSL) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- To change codepage on-the-fly: | Smenit' kodirovku na-letu: :- /quote codepage codepage-name :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- Network Services running: | V seti rabotajut servisy: :- NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ :- Start using them with: | Dlya nachala naberite comandu: :- /msg NickServ@*.RusNet help :- (/msg MemoServ@*.RusNet help or /msg ChanServ@*.RusNet help) :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- If you need help | Esli nuzhna pomosch: :- /join #help :- /join #abuse :- ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- :- This server supports SSL on ports 9997(koi8), 9998(translit), 9999(win) :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Current Administrative contact: IRC admin <ircadm at irc.run.net> :- irc.run.net WEB server: http://irc.run.net :- irc.run.net WEB-gate: http://irc.spb.ru :- RusNet WEB server: http://www.rus.net :- ======================================================================= :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i utf-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
:irc.seb.org.ua 020 irc.seb.org.ua :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.seb.org.ua, running version 2.0.5.d1/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created Пт ноя 22 2024 at 14:31:40 UTC irc.seb.org.ua 2.0.5.d1/uk_UA.KOI8-U abcoOiIrswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrRstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ CODEPAGES FNC CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrRstz EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I MODES=3 MAXCHANNELS=20 CASEMAPPING=ascii NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet :are supported by this server :There are 285 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 12997 :unknown connections 368 :channels formed :I have 15 users, 0 services and 2 servers :Current local users: 15 Max: 17 :Current global users: 285 Max: 331 :- irc.seb.org.ua Message of the Day - :- 2/4/2020 7:21 :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- RusNet IRC Network http://www.seb.org.ua :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Codepages per ports are: Русские кодовые таблицы по портам: :- :- UTF-8 : 6666,7770,7776 :- CP1251 : 6669,7771,7779 :- KOI8-U : 6667,7777 :- TRANSLIT : 6668,7775,7778 :- CP866 : 7772 :- ISO8859-5: 7773 :- Macintosh: 7774 :- :- SSL: 9997: none, 9998: translit, 9999: cp1251, 9996: UTF-8 :- For those, who behind strict firewalls and proxies: :- :- 110: CP1251 :- 443: CP1251 :- 3128: CP1251 :- 5190: CP1251 :- 8080: CP1251 :- :- To change your codepage on-the-fly: Сменить таблицу "на лету" можно: :- /quote codepage codepage-name :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- [ADMINISTRATION] :- Solitude <ircadmin at seb.org.ua> :- :- We are not looking for IRC operators. Please do not ask. :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- There are Network Services running: В сети работают сервисы: :- NickServ, MemoServ, ChanServ :- Start using them with: Начните работу с ними с: :- /msg NickServ@*.RusNet help or /nickserv help :- /msg ChanServ@*.RusNet help or /chanserv help :- /msg MemoServ@*.RusNet help or /memoserv help :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Официальные каналы сети: :- #help - общие вопросы новичка :- #abuse - жалобы на спам, вирусы, захваты каналов и ников :- #announces - анонсы каналов сети :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Remember, you have no rights on this server. :- If you are killed or banned, that's life, too bad, so sad, end of story. :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i utf-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
:irc.tambov.ru 020 irc.tambov.ru :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.tambov.ru, running version 2.0.5/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created 17 января 2015 г. at 18:44:13 MSK irc.tambov.ru 2.0.5/uk_UA.KOI8-U abcoOiIrswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrRstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ CODEPAGES FNC CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrRstz EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I MODES=3 MAXCHANNELS=20 CASEMAPPING=ascii NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet :are supported by this server :There are 283 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 32203 :unknown connections 378 :channels formed :I have 36 users, 0 services and 1 servers :Current local users: 36 Max: 47 :Current global users: 283 Max: 331 :- irc.tambov.ru Message of the Day - :- 22/2/2013 15:51 :- ======================================================================= :- RusNet IRC Network Tambov IRC IPv6 Server :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Now, the supported codepages are on the following ports: :- :- 6667: KOI8-R 7770: UTF-8 7773: ISO-8859_5 :- 6668: Translit 7771: CP1251 7774: Macintosh :- 6669: CP1251 7772: CP866 7775: Translit :- :- with SSL: :- :- 9996: UTF-8 9997: KOI8-R 9998: Translit 9999: CP1251 :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :- IPv6: irc6.tambov.ru; ports are the same :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Always remember that IRC is not a right, it is a _privilege_ :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :- Administrative contact: denis at tambov dot ru :- ====================================================================== :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i UTF-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
:irc.tomsk.net 020 irc.tomsk.net :*** You are connected to RusNet. Please wait... :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ilr!~ilr@m1.newton.beget.com :Your host is irc.tomsk.net, running version 1.5.25/uk_UA.KOI8-U with SSL support :This server was created Tue Nov 26 2013 at 20:32:17 NOVT irc.tomsk.net 1.5.25/uk_UA.KOI8-U aboOirswx abcehiIklmnoOpqrstvz PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ CODEPAGES MODES=3 CHANTYPES=#&!+ MAXCHANNELS=30 NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 NETWORK=RusNet CHANMODES=beI,k,l,acimnpqrstz :are supported by this server :There are 289 users and 0 services on 10 servers 13 :operators online 115655 :unknown connections 372 :channels formed :I have 70 users, 0 services and 2 servers :Current local users: 70 Max: 78 :Current global users: 289 Max: 331 :- irc.tomsk.net Message of the Day - :- 10/4/2024 4:36 :- ======================================================================= :- RusNet IRC Network | Tomsk IRC server | :- ======================================================================= :- Location: Tomsk, Russia :- Admin contact: Gnomus (pz@gnomus.ru) :- :- Codepages per ports are (Русские кодовые таблицы по портам): :- :- 6666: UTF-8 :- 6667: KOI8-R :- 6668: Translit :- 6669: CP1251 :- :- Codepages per ports with SSL support: :- 9996: UTF-8 :- 9997: KOI8-R :- 9998: Translit :- 9999: CP1251 :- :- To change your codepage on-the-fly (Сменить таблицу "на лету" можно): :- /quote codepage codepage-name :- :- There are Network Services running (В сети работают сервисы): :- NickServ, MemoServ, ChanServ :- :- Start using them with (Начните работу с ними с): :- /msg NickServ@*.Rusnet help, /msg ChanServ@*.Rusnet help :- :- Help Channels on the net (В сети есть каналы помощи): :- /join #help - help channel (канал помощи) :- /join #abuse - abuse channel (канал жалоб) :- /join #announces - channel for announce channel :- (канал для анонсов каналов) :- :- RusNet network Rules and FAQ (Правила сети RusNet и FAQ) :- http://ircfaq.gnomus.ru http://www.rus-net.org/rules.html :- ======================================================================= :- NO: CLONES, WARS, FLOOD, SPAM! НЕТ: КЛОНАМ, ВОЙНАМ, АТАКАМ, РЕКЛАМЕ! :- ======================================================================= :End of MOTD command. :ilr MODE ilr :+i utf-8 :is your charset now :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Jun 15 2022] В связи с военно-политическими событиями напоминаем, что в сети запрещено заниматься пропагандой насилия, разжиганием любой розни. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Sep 26 2009] Change your codepage on the fly: /quote codepage cp1251 (for Windows). Высказать свои пожелания и задать вопросы вы можете на форуме сети по адресу: http://www.rus-net.org/forum/. Вы можете включить русский язык в сообщениях сервисов командой /NickServ SET LANGUAGE 10. :Global!service@RusNet NOTICE ilr :[Logon News - Nov 03 2006] Официальные каналы сети: #help - вопросы и проблемы, #abuse - жалобы на нарушения, #announces - анонсы каналов. Реклама каналов допустима только на канале #announces, в остальных случаях она приравнивается к спаму.
Страница обновлена 13.02.2025